Infectious diseases are defined as disorders that are caused by living organisms, according to the Mayo Clinic. These organisms that cause infectious disease include viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. Specifically, these are certain types of pathological organisms capable of causing diseases in humans, including very serious and even fatal illnesses. There are a number of facts and factors you need to bear in mind when it comes to the matter of daycare and preschool disinfection. Daycare centers and preschools can prove to be incubators and breeding grounds for infectious diseases. As a consequence, thorough and comprehensive daycare and preschool disinfection can be vital.
Rapid Spread of Disease, Infection, and Illness in at a Daycare or Preschool
Before diving into daycare and preschool disinfection, the alarmingly rapid rate at which disease, infection, and illness can spread through these types of facilities must be highlighted.
Once an infection appears, transmission can be extremely rapid. Studies have shown that when a marked virus is introduced on a toy in a daycare room of toddlers in the morning, it can be cultured from 80 percent of the children by the end of the day and 50 percent of the parents by the next morning.
Types of Infections Spread Via a Daycare or Preschool
There are a variety of different types of infections that are spread at daycare centers and preschools. Most infections passed at daycares or preschools are viruses. In some cases, and with certain viruses, an infected child (or adult) will recover without medication. In other instances, some type of antibiotic is recommended to treat a viral infection.
The most common types of viruses spread at daycares and preschools include:
- Rhinovirus
- Adenovirus
- Parainfluenza virus
Although the mortality rate associated with these viruses is low, they can still cause a child (or an adult) unpleasant and even serious symptoms.
In addition to viral infections, children in daycare and preschool can also be exposed to bacterial, fungal, and protozoal infections. The most commonplace type of bacterial infection spread through daycares and preschools is the streptococcus virus. Very rarely, children in daycares and preschools become infected with the bacterium that causes meningitis.
Other types of non-viral and non-bacterial infections that arise in daycares or preschools include:
- Head lice
- Giardia (intestinal protozoa)
- Ringworm (fungus)
Comprehensive Daycare and Preschool Cleaning and Disinfection
A comprehensive process must be utilized to eliminate infectious germs and other hazards at a daycare or preschool. Cleaning alone simply is not enough to eliminate illness-causing germs from these types of facilities. Cleaning alone does eliminate a fraction of germs contaminating a daycare center or preschool. However, merely cleaning surfaces and objects doesn’t destroy pathogens like bacteria and viruses.
A comprehensive approach to combating and ultimately eliminating germs from a daycare or preschool does begin with cleaning and scrubbing. However, a crucial step follows cleaning. This is disinfection of the facility, including surfaces and objects contained in the daycare or preschool. Technology and appropriate disinfecting solutions are utilized to ensure germ killers end up in even the most difficult to reach nooks, crannies, crevices, cracks, and corners in a daycare or preschool.
Benefits of Professional Daycare and Preschool Disinfection Process
In addition to what has been discussed a moment ago, there are some very specific benefits that are realized through the use of a professional infectious disease cleanup company. These include:
- Creation of a solidly healthy environment for children (and adults)
- True peace of mind through the creation of a germ-free environment
- Rapid, safe disinfection of “high touch” (high contact) areas and items like tabletops, chairs, countertops, doors and doorknobs, toys, and floor mats
- Elimination of odors
- Sharply reduced infection rates
- Use of non-toxic, environmentally safe cleaning and sanitization products
- Use of EPA approved cleaning and sanitization products
- Use of cleaning and sanitization products certified safe for food surfaces
The overarching benefits of professional daycare and preschool disinfection also include the killing of 99.99 percent of bacteria and viruses. In addition, the latest disinfection solutions and technology shield a daycare or preschool against the return of germs for a period of up to 90 days. The end result is a far safer place for children (and adults).