Unattended deaths present profoundly dangerous expiration scenes. The stark reality is that the human decomposition process commences directly upon a person’s death. Within a matter of a couple of days, human remains begin to discharge bodily fluids other hazardous substances created during the decomposition process. After a few days, these fluids begin to contaminate the death scene. The dangerous pathogens that can exist in the aftermath of an unattended death cleanup pose what can be a truly significant health risk to any person who enters the area. Call our veteran-led biohazard cleaning service company
As of 2020, 36.6 percent of people in the United States reside in homes of different types that they rent. The majority of these rental residences are found in multiunit buildings of different types, including apartments, duplexes, condo buildings, and adjoining townhomes. As an aside, there are a number of communities in Southern California in…
A truly challenging situation arises when a person dies an unattended death in a condominium in a multiunit building. An unattended death is one in which a person dies alone and his or her remains are not discovered for a period of time. In the aftermath of an unattended death, the stench associated with human…
One of the most challenging situations involving biohazardous contamination is the aftermath of what technically is known as an unattended death. In basic terms, an unattended death involves a situation in which a person dies alone for one reason or another. The deceased individual’s remains aren’t found for a period of time that may equate…
In many ways, death is the great leveler. No matter what course we’ve taken during life, when any of us die, the same biological processes kick in. Like many people, you may shy away from thinking about death. Also like many people, you may nonetheless have a desire to gain an understanding of what happens…
The one universally common factor about life is the eventuality of death. With death, comes decomposition. Because every once-living being will be subjected to the decomposition process, understanding what that involves is important. Thus, this is a candid discussion of the definition of decomposition. Global Scientific Definition of Decomposition The broad scientific definition of decomposition…
You hear the word. You read the word. And yet, if you are like many individuals, you really don’t know the true, comprehensive, most accurate definition of “decomposition.” Despite encountering the word with some frequency, you may not fully understand what decomposition means. Dictionaries and the Word “Decomposition” Dictionaries present very sterile and, frankly, not…
Quite like every person leads a unique life so does a person’s impending death have its own individual circumstances. Understanding this very real fact of life and death, there are some commonplace hallmarks associated with impending death. For example, if a family member or other loved one is in hospice care, there are signs that…
Death. In many ways, death defines us. Questions about death pervade many aspects of our lives. If people have a preference, most would say that the desire to experience some sort of death by natural causes, something that comes to pass while they are asleep. People turn to the idea of passing through a natural…
One of the great questions of all time is: what happens at the moment of death? Scientists, philosophers, religious theorists, and others have expounded at length on this question. In recent years, a considerable amount of scientific research has focused on what occurs within the human body at the moment of death. The evidence collected…
Perhaps nothing is more alarming and disagreeable than the odors emitted from a cadaver. As a human body decomposes, different types of gases are expelled from the remains. The expulsion of a malodorous stench commences within a matter of a day following death, if a body is left unattended. The stench magnifies – and significantly…
Biohazard remediation specialists are called upon to address a wide array of challenging cleanup situations. These include: Infectious disease Crime scene Rodent dropping Hoarding Homeless encampment Unattended death Suicide Nothing presents a more significant set of challenges on a number of levels than does decomposing body cleanup. The human decomposition process starts the moment an…
The various stages of human decomposition have a direct bearing on the decomposing body cleanup process. As a consequence, in order to better understand decomposing body cleanup, a person needs to also understand some of the specifics of human decomposition. The Stages of Human Decomposition The human decomposition process can be broken down into a…
Hopefully, the day will never come when you are faced with the responsibility to arrange for decomposing body cleanup. Odds are you will not face such a tragic duty. With that said, as it is with many things in life, you are best served having a basic understanding the inherent dangers and risks of decomposing…
A phrase that you undoubtedly hear and see with some regularity is “death by natural causes.” Despite regular exposure to the phrase, if you pause for a moment, you may not really know what is meant by the term death by natural causes. We provide you an understanding of this manner of death. Basic Death…
A traumatic experience is learning that a member of your family died alone and that the deceased loved one’s remains were not immediately found. This type of scenario is known as an unattended death (or an undiscovered death). The death of a person in this manner impacts the deceased person’s family in a number of…
An oft-used cliché is that we all have two things in common: death and taxes. In regards to death, humans share an associated reality: the decomposition process. Having noted this, another reality is that the decomposition process is not the same for all bodies. The fact is that there are a variety of factors that…
One of the most challenging, even traumatic, situations a family can experience is the unattended death of one of its own. The unattended death of a family member is a truly tragic experience on many levels. This article is designed to enumerate the ways in which an unattended death impacts the family of the deceased…
If you are fortunate, you will be able to travel through life without coming upon or finding the body of a deceased person. There can be no doubt that finding a dead body is a truly unsettling experience. It’s one thing to be with a loved one when they leave their life on Earth. It’s…
The basic definition of “suspicious death” is a death that is unexpected and its circumstances are legally or medically unexplained. Different types of investigations are undertaken in the aftermath of a suspicious death to attempt to reach a firm conclusion as to what happened. Different types of professionals might be involved in such an investigation,…
Death can be classified in a number of different ways. A coroner or medical examiner and law enforcement tend to utilize two broad categories when they are called to the death scene and undertake some level of investigation. These expansive categories of classification are deaths that are suspicious and deaths that are not suspicious. Although…
Mysterious deaths are not just the stuff of movies and television. Rather, every day in Southern California and elsewhere around the world, deaths occur (or are discovered) in which the cause is not readily available. Like many people, you may wonder what happens if no cause of death is found. Situations in Which a Cause…
A coroner has the primary legal responsibility of ascertaining the cause of death in certain circumstances. A coroner or medical examiner has a typically standard course of action this followed to determine the cause of death. Cause of Death Versus Manner of Death Oftentimes, the terms “cause of death” and “manner of death” are used…
Like many people, you’ve watched more than a few television programs and films that involve homicide or death investigations. The alarming reality is that a considerable segment of the population will have some sort of direct connection with a death investigation involving the circumstances of a friend or family member’s passing. You may have a…
If you are like nearly every adult in the United States, and nearly every young person over a certain age, you’ve heard the term “coroner’s report” as well as “autopsy report” with some regularity. You hear these terms on television programs, in films, and in media reports. Although you have contact with these terms with…
A heart-wrenching situation is the discovery of an unattended death. The very circumstances of an unattended death make the discovery of the remains traumatic. An unattended death is one in which a person dies alone and his or her remains are not discovered for a period of time. Indeed, days, weeks, or even months may…
Fans of crime shows and medical dramas on television and the big screen oftentimes are presented with forensic investigators and medical examiners successfully striving to identify the cause of death in even the most complicated of situations. In some such television or picture shows, the entire affair may be dedicated to discovering how someone died…
A truly traumatic circumstance is the unattended death of a person in his or her home. Not only is the loss itself a keenly emotional experience for a deceased person’s loved one, but the aftermath of this type of death can also be fraught with a multitude of challenges, including legal ones. A key legal…
With alarming regularity, the remains are finally found of a person who experienced what had been an undiscovered death in Southern California. There are a number of more common scenarios that lead to an undiscovered death. In addition, the undiscovered death cleanup process can prove to be remarkably challenging, calling for the professional assistance of…
Hopefully, you make it through life without facing the prospect of sorting out the ins and outs of unattended death laws in California. Nevertheless, as is the case with many things in life, you are wise to have a basic understanding of something that might not be likely but that certainly is possible. You are…
Cleaning out an apartment after a family member or friend dies can prove to be a challenging and emotional task. With that said, there are some important tactics you can employ, and steps you need to take, to ensure that the apartment clean out process goes as smoothly as possible. Plan Ahead When a person…
It would be pointless to say that death is a regular part of life. While ostensibly true, the concept of death typically exists in a vague and nebulous way for most people. Rarely do we have to confront the concept directly and even rarer is a physical confrontation with a dead body. However, countless individuals…
Cleaning out a loved one’s home after their death can be a physically and emotionally draining process. What’s more, deciding what to share, keep, donate, or trash can be a tormenting task. If you’re looking for the best approach this undertaking, utilize the following steps to help maintain your sanity and get the job done…
Dealing with the tragic loss of a loved one, whether expected or unexpected, is never easy. While our thoughts might immediately go toward coping with our grief, we cannot forget that there are things that need to be dealt with in the present. In the devastating aftermath of losing a loved one, you must make…
If you are in the process of putting your home on the market for sale, you certainly find yourself with a myriad of questions and even concerns. In that regard, if there has been an unattended death in your home or somewhere on your property, you may have questions about the reporting requirements. California law…
Life is not without its challenges and traumas. Few people make it through their lives without experiencing some type of challenging, even horrific, event. An example of a uniquely horrible situation is discovering the remains of a person who suffered an unattended death. Similarly challenging is not actually discovering a body in this setting but…
Landlords face a multitude of problems when it comes to their legal and contractual relationships with tenants. One of the most complicated and challenging of situations is when a tenant dies and no next of kin can be found. Sadly, this oftentimes occurs when a tenant dies in what is known as an unattended death.…
The definition of what constitutes death has become the subject of an increasingly heated debate in the United States and elsewhere around the world in recent years. In addition, an associated debate centers on who should have authority to make the final determination that a person is dead. The Standard Definition of Death Over the…
Landlords in Southern California face a myriad of challenging issues. One of the most complicated situations a landlord faces is when a tenant dies and the next of kin cannot readily be found. Landlords need to understand what they can and cannot do when a tenant dies, including in a situation in which next of…
One of the mainstays of haunted houses is exhibits that include dead human bodies. There is a reason why haunted houses rely on fake dead bodies to scare patrons: human beings have a strong reaction when they are confronted with human remains. This response is significantly more profound if a person has the unfortunate experience…
The Greek philosopher Diogenes is credited with proclaiming “we come into the world alone and we die alone.” In the end, he was trying to make a point about self-sufficiency. In considering death, there are situations in which a person passes on alone, suffers an unattended death. On the other hand, there are more occasions…
An unattended death occurs when an individual dies the remains are not discovered for days, weeks, or even longer. An unattended death typically occurs when a person lives alone and lacks family members or friends who regularly check on that individual’s wellbeing. Common Types of Unattended Deaths in Los Angeles The most common types of…
1. Pallor Mortis This initial stage of death translates from Latin as “paleness of death” and manifests itself in the flesh of light-skinned humans. The loss of color in the body is the consequence of a deactivated circulatory system, leaving the blood to settle within the body. Onset: Pallor Mortis can take effect anytime between 15…
If a tenant dies in one of your rental properties it is imperative that you act quickly, professionally, and take all the necessary steps to assure your rights and protections. In the event that the deceased is the sole leaseholder, your involvement will be necessary to help repossess the property in a timely manner. In…
If you are an adult whose parent has passed on, in addition to grieving your loss, you likely find yourself wondering what comes next. You find yourself wondering what you need to do now that your parent has died. There are a number of different tasks that need to be tended to when a parent…
Death and dying is the one thing that all people, from all walks of life, have in common. While the exact manner in which individuals die differs, what happens after death is quite similar for all people. An overview of what happens to a person just after death can provide understanding and perspective on dying…
One of the toughest types of death to encounter is one in which a loved one has died in an unattended manner. What this means is that someone you care about has died alone, from one of these causes: Accident Illness Disease Homicide Suicide Moreover, the person succumbed to death with no one around and…
An unattended death is defined as one that occurs when a person is alone, and the passing is not immediately discovered. In fact, days, weeks, or even longer can pass before the remains of a person who died an unattended death are discovered. In this type of situation, the process of decomposition cleanup after an…
As of 2016, accidents have become the number three cause of death in the United States, according to the National Safety Council. 2016 is the last year in which a full set of reliable statistics is available for accidental deaths in the country. Over 160,000 accidental deaths occur in the United States every year, an…
One the most daunting and traumatic experiences a person can face in life is discovering the unattended death of a family member or other loved one. There are also situations in which a landlord discovers the remains of a tenant who suffered an unattended death. An unattended death is a situation in which a person…
A decaying body emits a distinctly foul, repulsive odor. The odor of a decaying body is so invasive and profound that many people find it difficult to forget. You may wonder what exactly causes a decaying body to have such an intense, nauseating odor. The Decomposition Process and the Smell of Death The decomposition process…