Television shows and movies have featured meth users and meth makers or meth cooks with a considerable degree of regularity. Indeed, there have been productions that arguably have glamorized the making of meth. The cold, harsh reality is that meth labs are highly dangerous. The hazards of meth labs extend beyond the possibility of explosions and fires that are featured in television programs and films that present these operations. Contamination associated with meth labs include the pervasive infusion of the drug itself and other potentially harmful chemical combinations throughout the premises where meth was cooked. Understanding this fact, there are five commonly utilized methods of meth decontamination.
Before taking a deeper dive into these methods of meth decontamination, a key point needs to be made upfront. A professional meth decontamination will develop its own methodology for methamphetamine remediation. In some cases, a specific meth decontamination company will use techniques quite similar to one of the methods to be discussed in a moment. In some instances, a meth remediation professional will combine techniques and tactics contained in the methods to be presented shortly.
Method One: Wash and Scrub
There can be no doubt that Method One, called “wash and scrub,” is the least expensive way to attempt to remediation meth contamination – attempt being the operative word. The basic wash and scrub method involves the use of readily available household cleaners. The process is highly labor-intensive and necessitates a tremendous amount of so-called “elbow grease.”
There is a significant drawback to Method One. In the final analysis, it simply doesn’t work completely. Method One – the do it yourself methodology – literally only “scratches” the surface. Only surface contaminants are eliminated through this process, after a tremendous amount of work. Meth residues are not destroyed in the process. As a consequence, potentially dangerous meth contamination remains. Arguably, Method One isn’t even really remediation.
Method Two: Complete Removal of Contaminated Surfaces
At the other end of the meth decontamination spectrum is Method Two. Method Two involves the physical removal of all contaminated surfaces. This represents the most expensive method of meth decontamination. Removal of all contaminated surfaces is also labor-intensive.
The problem with removing contaminated surfaces is that meth is not destroyed. It is merely relocated. In addition, the process of removing contaminated surfaces can result in further meth contamination. Meth dust particles are released when the removal process is underway. Meth dust particles can then end up penetrating construction cracks, crevices, and voids. The net effect of this unwanted effect is that another round of meth decontamination becomes necessary, enhancing the costs and time spent on Method Two.
Method Three: Misting or Fogging With Bleach
Method Three of meth decontamination involves misting or fogging with bleach. This is considered to be the most effective and economical method for remediating meth decontamination. In addition to eradicating meth contamination, the bleach misting or fogging process destroys other chemical contaminants that may be associated with methamphetamine contamination.
Method Three involving the use of bleach necessitates the use of specialized equipment as well as high levels of personal protective equipment. The bleach misting or fogging methodology results in the generation of chlorinated by-products. These by-products are classified as environmentally hazardous. The by-products include chlorine gas as well as an associated caustic mist. These by-products must be fully eliminated before a property can be reoccupied safely.
Method Four: Misting or Fogging With Hydrogen Peroxide
Method Four utilizes high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. The hydrogen peroxide is used to mist or fog a space contaminated with meth.
Method Four, misting or fogging with high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, is an easy methodology and inexpensive as well. With that said, Method Four overall is not considered a truly effective means of comprehensive meth remediation. Method Four is only capable of removing surface contamination. As is the case with Method One, the hazards of some level of meth contamination will remain after the hydrogen peroxide process completes.
Method Five: Use of Preformulated Products
The final method for meth decontamination involves the use of professionally formulated products. These products are developed for the specific purpose of removing and destroying methamphetamine and associated contaminants.
These professionally-crafted products are most effective when applied with an associated regimen of scrubbing and rinsing. Generally speaking, these professional meth elimination products have been formulated in a manner that leaves no harmful byproducts or dangerous residue after application and use at a meth contaminated site.
A home or business owner theoretically can attempt to undertake meth decontamination on his or her own. With that said, taking such a course is not recommended. The stark reality is that a person who is not a professional meth remediator simply does not have the skill, equipment, and supplies truly necessary to thoroughly and safely undertake meth decontamination.