If you are facing a situation in which your parents are residing in an unhealthy, filthy residence, you may wonder what you can do to improve their situation. You may wonder what steps you need to take to restore the home of your parents to a healthy and livable condition. There are a number of tactics you can employ to restore your parents home to a truly safe, healthy, and fully livable condition.
Clean Residence Yourself
Perhaps the most obvious course of action you can consider taking when it comes to restoring your parent’s filthy home to a livable, safe, and healthy condition is to undertake that effort on your own. Yes, you likely can save at least some money by taking this approach. However, overall, there are a number of negative ramifications to making the decision to undertake the task of cleaning a particularly untidy, unkept, even filthy property on your own:
- You will expend a tremendous amount of time in the process of undertaking a thorough cleaning of a particularly unkept residence.
- You likely will not have the necessary cleaning supplies and materials to tackle such a task because a particularly filthy situation may need more powerful resources than you have on hand or can get at the local store.
- The process of cleaning a true disaster in a family member’s house can cause high tension and even cause notable damage to what historically has been a loving relationship.
- Biohazards oftentimes are present in a home that is particularly unclean, including dangerous pathogens that you do not have the training, equipment, or materials necessary to safely and completely remediate or cleanup.
In addition to these issues, even if you begin the process of cleaning your parent’s highly unkept home on your own, you may find yourself turning to professional assistance in the long run. In other words, you very well may have spent unnecessary time spinning your wheels (and spending your money) without reaching the desired outcome of a clean, safe, healthy home for your parent.
Hire a Professional Residential Cleanup Company
The first step in hiring a professional residential cleanup company is to undertake due diligence. That process includes:
- Examining the experience, background, and track record of a particular professional residential cleanup service.
- Considering the pricing policies of a company.
- Determining the availability of a professional residential cleanup service.
- Determining whether or not a filthy home cleanup professional is capable of providing biohazard remediation assistance.
Eco Bear is a prime example of a professional residential cleanup company that has the experience, background, and track record you require to address a seriously unkept situation in the residence of your parent or parents. Eco Bear maintains a transparent pricing program and is immediately available to provide the assistance you need in regard to your parent’s house. In addition, the professionals at Eco Bear are well versed in all aspects of comprehensive, safe biohazard remediation as may be needed. (As an aside, the professionals at Eco Bear have also undertaken even some of the most challenging hoarder property cleanup situations.)
Keep Residence Clean and Livable for the Long Term
While it is all well and good to get your parent’s home in a clean, healthy, and safe condition after being in a truly filthy state, you want to have a long-term solution. In other words, you do not want the situation at your parent’s residence to degrade yet again to a filthy state. With this in mind, you will want to consider some additional strategies to better ensure that your parent’s residence remains clean and livable going forward into the future:
- Consider retaining the services of a homecare aide or housekeeping service that will ensure regular cleaning.
- Arrange more long-term mental health support and assistance if your parent is diagnosed with hoarding disorder.
- Maintain open and regular communications with your parent, in a trusting atmosphere, so that you are better able to monitor and gage the state of affairs at your parent’s home going forward into the future.
- In the end, if these types of solutions do not appear to be appropriate, the time may have come at which your parent may need to consider some other type of living arrangement (including assisted living of some type or even coming to live in your home, if such a solution is practical).
Filthy Residence Versus a Hoarding Situation
If you have found that your parent is or parents are living in a particularly unclean, unkept, or even filthy situation, you are wise to consider if hoarding is an issue at the property. The reality is that a particularly filthy home sometimes does go hand in hand with issues surrounding hoarding.
If you do learn that your parent not only has a terribly poorly kept residence but is hoarding, you will need additional professional assistance beyond a qualified, experienced professional residential cleanup company like Eco Bear. For example, you will want to seriously consider finding an experienced counselor or therapist who specializes in working with men and women afflicted with hoarding disorder.