The city of Encinitas is known for its splendid beach culture and breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean. Now, like the rest of California and the United States, the Encinitas community is facing countless challenges related to the COVID-19 outbreak. As the community moves to slowly reopen, the threat of the coronavirus looms quietly in the backdrop. Eco Bear is working alongside the members of the Encinitas community. We’re well equipped to stop the spread of this disease. Give us a call at (818) 358-4359.
Who Are We?
Eco Bear is a woman-owned, veteran-led COVID-19 remediation company that currently serves communities southern throughout California.
We are committed to providing all of our customers with fair and transparent pricing. We try to keep our rates at least 50% below that of our competitors. As if that is not enough, we promise to never toss in unexpected fees or overrun costs.
When people find themselves facing the threat of infectious disease, the last thing they should have to worry about is pricing.
Supporting Business During Phased Reopenings
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists the most common symptoms of COVID-19 as:
- Coughing
- Shortness of breath
- Fever
- Chills
- Muscle pain
- Sore throat
- Loss of smell
Yet, an alarming number of infected individuals end up on ventilators. Making matters worse, the survival rate for those on ventilators is incredibly low. Knowing all this, it can be extremely distressing to know that contagion took place at your business or residence.
If you want to safely and effectively eradicate the coronavirus from your premise, you need to hire a professional COVID-19 cleaning and disinfection team. Members of the Eco Bear COVID-19 cleaning and disinfection ream are well versed in infectious disease mitigation. They have the latest and greatest technologies and protective equipment at their disposal. They’re able to thoroughly clean and disinfect all surfaces, including high-contact and hard-to-reach areas.
Our Comprehensive Coronavirus (COVID-19) Remediation Services in Encinitas
We’ve partnered up with Encinitas business owners, landlords, and property owners to stop the spread of the novel coronavirus.
We access and treat each of our assignments independently. Our compassion for the Southern California communities is evident in the work that we do.
Our comprehensive coronavirus remediation services are designed to cause as little inconvenience as possible. We will work to rapidly deploy a team of highly skilled infectious disease disinfection technicians to your property. Our crew will carefully clean and disinfect your space, making it possible for you to reenter once again.
Crafting a Comprehensive Covid-19 Disaster Plan
Business owners are for crafting comprehensive coronavirus aftermath protocols. As part of such protocols, business owners should be prepared to take steps to eliminate viral pathogens from their properties. As a business owner, your best option is to call upon a certified third-party cleaner.
We’re Here to Help
The Eco Bear Biohazard Cleaning Company is here to help you when you need us. Keep in mind mind that the novel coronavirus can be spread in a variety of ways:
- Direct phyiscal contact with an infected individual
- Indirect contact with an infected individual (through respitory droplets
- Casual contact with an infected object or surface (the pathogen can thrive outside a carrier for days)
- Airborne transmission
It is hard for some people to truly appreciate how fast infectious diseases spread. Just take a look at the path of the novel coronavirus. The disease is said to have originated in late 2019 in Wuhan, China. Still, it managed to spread across the globe in a matter of months.
Don’t let these facts deter you from taking action! Professional infectious disease cleanup specialists can stop the coronavirus dead in its tracts. Call Eco Bear at (818) 358-4359 for more information on our infectious disease remediation services.