If you’re looking for homeless encampment cleaning in Huntington Park, California, there are a few things that you should think about. The homeless population has increased dramatically in the past few years, and homeless encampments are popping up everywhere. In addition to all of the social issues that accompany homeless encampments, one of the biggest issues with these sites is the presence of materials that can create dangerous health issues.
Where Are Homeless Encampments Found?
Homeless encampments are located anywhere that there’s space. They could be located under highway overpasses, or they can be tucked away in alleyways.They could be located along the beach, or they could be situated right in the middle of a retail district.
The key factor linking all of these homeless encampments together is the fact that they’re located on properties that don’t belong to the encampment residents. This causes major safety issues for the people who actually do own the properties. Homeless encampments could disrupt retail districts, and they could pose health and safety issues for private homes and businesses.
Why Are Homeless Encampments So Unsafe?
Homeless encampments are unsafe because they are rife with biohazardous waste. If biohazardous waste is left to run rampant and unchecked throughout the encampment, it could cause severe and dangerous health issues for the residents of the encampment as well as for the people who live in the community.
Why Is Biohazardous Waste So Dangerous?
Biohazardous waste is filled with pathogens, the microorganisms that cause diseases in humans. When you have a setting where there’s tons of biohazardous waste that’s never cleared away, you could end up with a serious health emergency.
What Types of Materials Are Examples of Biohazardous Waste?
There are many different types of biohazardous waste. One of the most common types of waste is blood. Blood-borne pathogens are the cause of many diseases. Blood from bruises, cuts, or wounds are very common at homeless encampments. The residents don’t usually have medical supplies, so they usually use whatever’s at hand like random pieces of cloth or overused tissues. When those items are not thrown away properly, disease could break out.
Other types of biohazardous waste at homeless encampments include human waste, animal waste, garbage, and rotting food. The lack of bathroom facilities and refrigeration are just a few of the reasons that homeless encampments become danger zones so easily.
Drug paraphernalia is another type of biohazardous waste in homeless encampments. Needles and syringes are usually contaminated, and they’re often tossed to the ground when people are done with them, creating a health risk.
What Other Types of Waste Are Found in Homeless Encampments?
In addition to trash, biohazardous waste, and drug paraphernalia, many people also have combustible materials in homeless encampments. These include items like hobo stoves or mini gasoline-powered stoves. The mere presence of these items create a huge fire risk that could endanger not only everyone in the camp but also people in the broader community.
Other items that can create a huge health hazard include big bulk items like large pieces of furniture or large electrical appliances. These items create blockages on sidewalks and on walkways.
What Are the Steps Involved in Cleaning up Homeless Encampments?
Following are the steps involved in homeless encampment cleaning.
The first step of the process will be to break down the makeshift tents and other temporary shelters that have been built up. These items will be placed inside specially marked bins, containers, or bags to be destroyed.
Removal of Drug Paraphernalia and Other Related Items
We’ll go through the site and remove all drug paraphernalia, including sharps, tubes, and any other drug instruments. All of these items will be placed inside specially marked packages so they can be decontaminated and destroyed.
Trash Removal
We’ll remove and discard all large-scale pieces of trash and garbage. Each type of trash will be disposed of according to type.
Removal of Biohazardous Waste
We’ll remove all of the biohazardous waste from the site. This includes everything from human waste, garbage, spoiled food and anything else that fits within the category. This waste will be placed inside special bags, bins, and containers for decontamination and destruction.
If there are rules in place that require that inventory should be taken of some of the encampment residents’ belongings, we will do so according to whatever guidelines have been put in place by the community authorities.
Cleaning and Disinfecting
We will clean, disinfect, and deodorize the area. We’ll use OSHA and EPA-approved chemicals, cleaning solutions, and deodorizers to help ensure that the space is once again clean and ready for use.
Reach out to us if you’re looking for homeless encampent cleaning in Huntington Park. We’re open around the clock, so we’re always avaialble to answer your questions.