A community with about 110,00 residents, Inglewood is garnering notoriety most recently for the construction of Los Angeles Stadium at Hollywood Park. When the stadium is completed in 2020, it will be the home of two NFL teams, the Los Angeles Chargers and the Los Angeles Rams. When the stadium is created, Inglewood really will become a major focal point in the greater Los Angeles area.
Inglewood is a vibrant community, complete with popular restaurants, retail shops, nightclubs, and recreational centers and facilities. A good part of the population is made up of young families.
Overall, life in Inglewood is pleasant. With that noted, there are moments when people in Inglewood experience a grim, even horrific, tragedy. One such tragedy involved a father and his very young son.
Two Deaths in Inglewood
Sharome Frazier was the father of a 4-year-old son, also named Sharome. Not married to the boy’s mother, Sharome shared custody with her including having the boy in his home a good part of the time.
The Inglewood Police Department received a call just after midnight. The caller advised of a possible suicide at the Frazier residence.
When police reached the Frazier home a short time later, they found the father alive, but with one gunshot wound. In addition, they found the 4-year-old boy also with one gunshot wound. Both were alive at the time the police arrived. The father died at the scene. The boy was transported to an Inglewood hospital. He died later that same day.
The gun was at hand at the scene of the crime, either in the father’s hand or nearby. Law enforcement was able to immediately conclude that the father shot his own son and then turned the gun on himself.
The police spent a good amount of time trying to ascertain the underlying motives for the father taking his own’s son life. Although different theories were proposed, in the end, the real motivation behind this violent, horrible incident likely went to the grave with the man who pulled the trigger on his boy and on himself.
The Aftermath of the Two Deaths in Inglewood
In addition to the police, the LA Coroner was involved in investigating this murder-suicide. This included an examination of the crime and suicide scene, but also forensics examinations of the father and son.
The place where the Fraziers lived was a rental property. The landlord was left with the task for arranging for suicide cleanup. This involved the hiring of a biohazard cleanup specialist because blood and bodily fluids can contain dangerous pathogens that can cause serious and even fatal illnesses.
Resources for Suicide Prevention and Suicide Providers in Inglewood
Resources from Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services are available to residents of Inglewood. These include suicide prevention and suicide survivor services. In addition, the agency has one of only two crisis treatment centers located in Inglewood.
Didi Hirsch Excelsior House provides residential crisis stabilization and support assistance for people in Inglewood. The crisis residential program can run up to 28 days at the Inglewood facility. In addition, there is outpatient programming available to individuals as well. These programs are available to people with suicidal ideations as well as individuals who attempted to take their own lives.
In addition, there exist situations in which a person who loses a loved one by suicide ends up in a crisis situation his or her self. There are resources at Didi Hirsch Excelsior House that can be of assistance to a person in this type of situation. The Didi Hirsch Excelsior House is located at:
Didi Hirsch Excelsior House
1007 Myrtle Avenue
Inglewood, CA 90301
In addition to the Didi Hirsch Excelsior House, Inglewood Medical and Mental Health provides different services and resources for both individuals laboring under suicidal thoughts as well as those who’ve lost a loved on to suicide. Through this organization, referrals can be made to different types of support groups, including those for people who’ve experienced suicidal ideations or attempted to take their own lives. In addition, access to grief and survivors of suicide support groups is also available through Inglewood Medial and Mental Health. The center also offers individual counseling and psychiatry services at this Inglewood location.
Inglewood Medical and Mental Health is located at:
4450 West Century Blvd.
Inglewood, CA 90304
There is a national suicide hotline, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, that is staffed around the clock, 385 days of the year. The hotline can be called at (800) 273-8255. The American Society of Suicidology provides a wide range of resources for survivors of suicide. The organization can be reached by phone by calling (202) 237-2280.