The Redding Costco is warning employees that one of their coworkers is presumed positive for COVID-19. A local church has also been linked to several cases of coronavirus, leading Redding to an alarming number of cases in just the last few days.
As of April 9, 2020 seventeen people have been infected with COVID-19 in Shasta County, and cases in California have jumped by over 11% over the past few days. These rising numbers are frightening, especially if you, or your friends and loved ones, are in a vulnerable group of people.
Many people however are choosing not to stand by and let these cases continue to keep rising. They are taking drastic steps to help stop the infections in their tracks, including hiring a Redding COVID-19 cleanup company.
What is COVID-19?
COVID-19 is a novel coronavirus that has spread to 181 countries worldwide. It has taken the lives of thousands of people, and hospitalized many more. It is highly infectious and easily spread through droplets breathed by infected people. When an infected person has touched a surface, such as a pin pad or a doorknob, they can shed the virus onto these surfaces, even if they aren’t yet showing symptoms.
This is in part why it is so easy for the virus to move from person to person, and also why constant cleaning, as well as quarantine, is so important. By avoiding others, washing hands, and cleaning high-touch surfaces regularly, we can slow the spread of the virus.
In cases where someone who has been infected with the disease has spent a significant amount of time, evacuating the building and thoroughly disinfecting it is the best way to keep people from getting sick.
A professional biohazard cleaning company with experience in infectious diseases should be called in to help. Eco Bear is a company local to Redding that has the skills needed for such a cleaning.
How Eco Bear Can Help
When it is discovered that someone testing positive for COVID-19 has been inside a building, thorough disinfection is in order.
Eco Bear is experienced at removing all traces of biohazards from even the most difficult situations. Their compassionate and driven team has worked on a large number of different projects, including both infectious disease mitigation, crime scene cleanup, and unattended death cleanup.
A thorough disinfection can mean the difference between stopping the spread of COVID-19 or running the risk that a contaminated surface will continue to pass the virus on to more people.
If you own a rental property, a residence, or a business that has had someone who tested positive for COVID-19 contaminate the building, call Eco Bear for an estimate on disinfection services. Eco Bear has one of the most competitive prices in the area and is locally owned and operated.