Biological hazards, which are also known as biohazards, are a threat to human health and the health of other living organisms. A biohazard is usually a type of bacterium, virus, fungus, parasite or toxin. Coming into contact with a biohazard can have a serious effect on your health. You could be poisoned or sickened. Some biohazards are deadly. If you find yourself dealing with a potential biohazard in Richmond, CA, you shouldn’t handle the situation on your own. Proper training, personal protective equipment and skills are needed for safe disinfection and remediation of a biohazard. Our professional biohazard cleanup company in Richmond is the right choice for any situation. At Eco Bear, our women- and veteran-led company is ready to remove any type of biohazard and remediate the property.
Types of Biohazards
There are many types of biohazards you might encounter on your residential, commercial or industrial property in Richmond. These include:
- Blood
- Body fluids
- Chemicals
- Deceased people
- Dead animals
Direct contact with these biological materials puts you at risk. Eco Bear is ready to clean the biohazard for you so that you can stay safe.
Level of Biohazard Threat
The California Department of Public Health Richmond Office and Contra Costa County Health Department categorize biological materials into four threat levels. These are:
- Level 1: Bacteria and viruses that are of minimal health risk to humans. They’re easy to contract but rarely cause a significant illness. If a person is exposed, they recover without complications.
- Level 2: These pathogens cause mild diseases in most people. A person with a compromised immune system may have more difficulty fighting off the infection. Some of these cause acute diseases, and others cause chronic conditions. Some examples are salmonella, mumps, measles and hepatitis A, B and C viruses.
- Level 3: These viruses and bacteria cause serious to fatal diseases in people. There are treatments or vaccines for these conditions. Some examples are tuberculosis, malaria and anthrax.
- Level 4: These are viruses for which there is neither a treatment nor a cure. There are no vaccines for these viruses. They cause severe illness to death. Many of them have high death rates. Examples of level 4 biohazards include Ebola, Marburg and Lassa fever.
Types of Biohazard Situations
Some situations require cleaning services because of the risk of a biohazard. Eco Bear offers biohazard remediation in Richmond for any situation. We handle:
- Unattended deaths
- Violent crime scene cleanup
- Suicide
- Homicide
- Homeless encampments
- Hoarded properties
About Eco Bear’s Richmond Biohazard Cleaning Services
At Eco Bear, we clean the aftermath of all types of situations that leave a biohazard behind. One of the most unfortunate situations we help Richmond residents with is suicide cleanup. Richmond’s annual suicide rate of about 26 per 100,000 population is the third-highest in Contra Costa County. There’s no tragedy for a family like when a loved one dies at their own hand. The grief from a suicide of your loved one is heart-wrenching. Attempting to clean this yourself would retraumatize you. Some methods of suicide create a horrific death scene. If your loved one took their own life in a violent manner, you can turn to our compassionate cleaning team at Eco Bear.
If your loved one took their own life, the Contra Costa Crisis Center offers grief counseling for family members and friends. They can be reached by calling 211 or 800-837-1818. For more information on their grief counseling program, contact their counseling staff at [email protected].
Unattended Death Cleanup Services in Richmond
Sadly, some people die and aren’t found for several days. In some cases, weeks or even months could go by before the person’s remains are discovered. The decomposition process can release dangerous pathogens. At Eco Bear, we’re trained in how to fully remediate unattended death scenes. We thoroughly remediate the aftermath of an unattended death in Richmond homes, apartments and businesses. We handle:
- Cleanup
- Sanitizing
- Disinfection
- Deodorizing
- Remediation
If you discovered the unattended death of a loved one, the Contra Costa Crisis Center offers counseling for sudden losses.
Rat Dropping Cleanup
Many people think of rat droppings as normal and part of living in Richmond. However, this lackadaisical attitude can put a person in harm’s way. Rat droppings may contain bacteria and viruses that lead to fatal diseases. Some of the infections that can be spread in rat droppings include:
- Hantavirus: When rat droppings or urine dry up, the hantvirus becomes airborne. Sweeping the droppings could result in you breathing in active viruses. Hantavirus can be fatal.
- Salmonellosis: This food-borne illness results from eating food contaminated with rat feces or other infected feces.
- Rat bite fever: This is caused by the bacterium Streptobacillus moniliformis. It spreads from rodent bites and food contaminated with rat saliva, urine or feces.
When you find rat or other rodent droppings, you need a biohazard remediation specialist like Eco Bear. We use a multi-step cleanup process to disinfect the area, remove the contamination and create a clean, healthy and safe space.
The Dangers of Sharps and Sharp Disposal
Needles used for injecting medications or illegal drugs have the potential to be contaminated with dangerous viruses, including hepatitis B and C and HIV. One accidental needle prick is all it takes to potentially expose you to one of these lifelong serious viruses. You can get a sharps container from the Contra Costa County Sheriff’s Office or call 1-888-412-9277 in order to receive a free sharps container in the mail.
Eco Bear Is Here for You
We’re a family-owned, women-led business. We offer 24/7/365 biohazard cleanup services so that you can stay safe and healthy. Our compassion, skills and training make us the right choice for biohazard cleanup in Richmond.