Thanks to television shows such as NCIS and Law & Order: SVU, you have some familiarity with the term biohazard. The simple term probably makes you think of biological weapons set loose on a population or a hospital with a serious outbreak. While those situations are examples of biohazards, the term can also refer to any area contaminated by a substance that can affect others. If you’re one of the more than 140,000 residents of Roseville, California, you can get help from a biohazard cleaning company. These companies have the experience needed to handle all types of biohazards and any contaminated items.
Viral Pathogens
A common example of a biohazard is one that involves a viral pathogen. Coronavirus is a type of viral pathogen. When this outbreak spread across the world beginning in 2020, it didn’t take long before doctors realized that it spread through person to person contact. They encouraged people to wear masks as a way to protect themselves and those around them. Any type of viral pathogen requires proper cleaning. Hospitals and medical offices use the same biohazard bags that professional cleaning companies do to ensure that contaminated items do not come into contact with anyone or anything.
Hoarding Cleanup
Hoarding is a mental disorder that makes people want to hang on to things that have no value. This can include old newspapers and trash. When you buy a home owned by a hoarder, you shouldn’t expect to move in your family right away or find a tenant. Hoarder homes can contain everything from dead animals and human waste to piles of trash and bloodstains. A hoarder home is an example of a biohazard because the particles and pathogens in that home can infect people who spend time there. You need to make sure that you hire the right Roseville cleaning company to handle the situation.
Suicide Cleanup
Biohazard cleaning companies in Roseville, California can help with suicide cleaning too. More than 70% of people who commit suicide in California are adults. Though Southern California has the lowest suicide rate in the state, more than seven out of every 100 residents will commit suicide. Some of the methods they use include hanging, carbon monoxide poisoning, drug overdose and shooting. If a loved one survives an attempt, you’ll still want to hire a company to clean their home. This helps them move beyond that attempt without seeing the destruction that they left behind.
Homicide Cleanup
Out of every 100,000 people who live in Roseville, at least two of them will become the victim of a homicide. Though the city is relatively safe, you never know when you might find that someone you love and care about was a victim. Whether you need to clean a homicide scene in your home or work, you can still use a company to reduce your contact with the traumatic scene. No one should suffer from seeing the aftermath of a homicide and carrying those bad memories with them.
Traumatic Incidents Cleanup
Violent crimes include more than just homicides. More than 20 out of every 100,000 Roseville residents will become the victim of a criminal assault each year. This does not include the nearly 100 people who live through a robbery or theft. During a robbery, the thief may assault the individual if he does not get what he wants. Those crimes are traumatic for both the victims and their loved ones. It can leave you feeling unsafe at home and unable to spend time in a certain room. Roseville biohazard cleaning companies can remove all traces of the crime and help the home feel safe again.
Drug Scene Cleanup
Police officers found crystal meth labs operating in several buildings in Roseville over the years. Dealers make this popular drug from over the counter cough medicine and other ingredients that they mix and cook. As meth cooks, it releases a strong ammonia odor that smells similar to cat urine. The odor clings to the walls and floors of the building and can make neighbors and anyone who enters the place ill. Cleaning companies know what to do to clean the property after the police arrest the makers and how to make it safe for people to live in again. They can clean homes where someone had an overdose or people used drugs too.
Sewage Overflow Cleanup
One of the more unique biohazards that cleaning companies come across involve some type of sewage problem. If you have a septic tank in your yard, it can back up when it reaches the maximum capacity and cause human waste to appear in your toilets and showers/tubs. Even if your home is on the sewer line, backups can still occur that lead to standing human waste in different areas of your home. Those backups can include both your family’s waste and your neighbors’ waste. A Roseville cleaning company can remove all of that waste and clean pathogens connected to the waste.
Biohazard Cleaning in Roseville
A biohazard cleaning company in Roseville will use a three-step approach to handle your cleaning needs. They do not simply use some bleach and walk away after a few hours. These cleaning crews wear gloves, smocks, masks and goggles as they use chemicals that can eat through blood and other human waste. They also have products designed to kill the germs and bacteria associated with different diseases. After cleaning, they use sanitizing agents that kill any lingering bacteria or germs to ensure that the space is safe for those who live there. If the biohazard requires deodorizing, they also have the agents necessary to eliminate the odors associated with drug use or decomposition. No matter what type of biohazard you face in Roseville, California, you can trust that the cleaning crew can help.