San Gabriel is affectionately known as “a city with a mission.” It’s a lively, bustling area with over 40,335 productive, happy people. You might most commonly associate the area as the birthplace of renowned World War II General George S. Patton, but San Gabriel is more than just a place for famous generals. Its pleasant daily life has led many people to relocate to this area and enjoy its society. Eco Bear is conveniently available to the San Gabriel area as a company that performs professional cleanup services. More specifically, we’re a premier place to call if you need hoarder cleanup services.
What Is Hoarding?
Dozens of documentaries and even popular television shows have covered the phenomenon of hoarding. You’ve seen what it looks like, but the psychiatry behind hoarding remains more mysterious. For now, science points to painful underlying mental dynamics at play that might cause someone to develop hoarding behavior. For example, someone who goes through a traumatic life event – such as a divorce, death, or house fire – might develop the behavior known as hoarding.
Common Symptoms
- Distress when faced with the possibility of having to discard household objects, food, or clothing
- Distress when faced with organizing or planning
- Rooms quickly become dangerous and cluttered because of objects a hoarder refuses to throw away
- Living in environments that are unhealthy and might even contain disease but being unable to clean it up
- Psychic pain when approached about living conditions
The physical manifestations of hoarding are recognizable to non-hoarders, but as hard as it is to believe, many hoarders do not see or even emotionally respond to the amount of clutter and hoarding they live with daily. To them, it feels normal.
San Gabriel Hoarder Property Cleanup Basics
Eco Bear is a premier cleanup company in the San Gabriel area. We take great pride in the relief we offer to our customers who need extensive and professional hoarder cleanup. Upon going into the project, we assess the situation, professionally and compassionately address the human elements of the job, and then we devise a professional strategy for performing the cleanup in the least amount of time and with as little distress to the hoarder as possible.
We also work in situations where a hoarder has died. These are always human tragedies and frequently very painful for families to have to deal with. They must open their loved one’s home to a team of professionals who will un-clutter, sanitize, and restore the property to its former organization and safety, something that so many families are hesitant to do because they might feel embarrassment or even shame over the way their loved one might have lived. We assure each of the families we work with in these tragic situations that we understand the psychology of hoarding, and we do not judge or shy away from our duty in cleaning up your loved one’s home. The person who passed away was a human being, someone who was loved and who loved others. Our professional service addresses cleanup only, not any judgment.
Hoarding Levels
Our approach to cleanup depends on the level of hoarding that our job entails. There are commonly 5 levels of hoarding recognized by the National Study Group on Compulsive Disorganization.
Level One- Level one hoarding situations involve small pet activity (one to three accidents), perhaps a small number of pests or rodents, and manageable clutter that needs only light arrangement. Odors aren’t present and for the most part, the household is healthy.
Going from level one, you can imagine how extensive Level 5 hoarding situations would be. To give you a greater idea of the severity of these jobs, though, we’ll give you just a few things you might see in Level Five hoarding:
- Feces
- Rotting food
- Major infestations of rodents or pests
- Hazardous materials that break local ordinances in San Gabriel
- No electric, water, or plumbing
The environments we see in Level Five hoarding are by no means pleasant, and they’re something that no family should ever have to clean up themselves. A recovering hoarder should also not be overwhelmed by this type of environment. Eco Bear offers an easy, effortless way to continue recovery from hoarding, obtain a near instantly cleaned and organized environment, or way to make sure that your loved one’s home is finally pristine and respectable after they’ve passed.
Reach Out to Eco Bear for Help
Anyone facing any level of hoarding deserves the type of service that we offer here at Eco Bear in San Gabriel. We want your loved one – or you – to enjoy a clean and safe living environment again. If your home is ravaged by years of hoarding activity, and you want to take your life back, or help someone you love take their life back, we invite you to start over today and call Eco Bear to restore your living or work environment back to its former glory. You’ll find that we’re friendly, easy to work with, non-judgmental, and very understanding of the conditions that accompany hoarding disorder. You can call us today to learn more about services and pricing, or to ask us questions about the kind of cleaners and equipment we use to make your home or business like new again.