Santa Cruz is one of the most beautiful and vibrant communities on the West Coast of the United States. However, as coronavirus cases continue to surge, there is little doubt that this beach-lined city is suffering right alongside the rest of America.
Right now, officials do not believe Santa Cruz students will be able to return to school in the fall. Many of the community’s businesses and organizations are operating at a limited capacity. While business as usual is still a far off dream, the reemergence of once familiar services has made post-quarantine life a bit more palatable.
As the community makes an effort to reopen, business owners are buckling down more than ever. The last thing that Santa Cruz residents want to do is to reverse their course.
Still, the newest data indicates that California has surpassed New York to become the state with the highest concentration of coronavirus cases. It can be easy to get caught up in data and headlines. However, if residents want to arise from the COVID-19 crisis with minimal damage, the best thing they can do is to plan and strategize for worst-case scenarios.
Eco Bear has been working with area business owners and residents to avoid just this. Our comprehensive sanitation and disinfection services are the best in the area. We are helping businesses to isolate and eliminate coronavirus contamination.
How We Can Help Your Santa Cruz Business Survive COVID-19
Santa Cruz business owners can protect themselves against the COVID-19 pandemic by developing comprehensive coronavirus preparedness plans. As part of these plans, businesses must ready to respond to a coronavirus contamination at any time.
During the COVID-19 era, cleaning and disinfecting is more crucial than ever. Professional cleaning companies must wear head-to-toe personal protective equipment and use EPA-approved disinfectants to decontaminate a site with a confirmed case of the virus.
Take a look at some of the facts:
- Scientists have confirmed that traces of coronavirus can live on surfaces for as long as 17 days.
- Those who are responsible for disinfecting coronavirus contaminations must don PPE. Like disinfectants, PPE is also in short supply.
- A person can contract the coronavirus by touching a contaminated object or surface. Those that are responsible for disinfecting contaminated areas are more likely to contract and/or spread the disease.
When we consider these facts, it’s easy to understand how the coronavirus has spread so quickly. Very few businesses are equipped to handle highly contagious infectious diseases.
Acting Fast: Eco Bear’s Rapid Response Team
When public health is at stake, there is no time to hesitate. Eco Bear’s Santa Cruz-based COVID-19 cleaning and disinfection team is ready to be deployed. Our infectious disease cleaning experts are available around the clock. We want to make sure that you can regain a sense of peace and normalcy after an outbreak.
Why Call a Professional?
Our coronavirus task force is waiting for your call. Give us a ring at (818) 358-4359. We can provide you with a comprehensive estimate before we begin our services. You can rest assured that we will never ambush you with hidden fees and dishonest sales pitches. Our services tend to cost half that of the competition.