Santa Monica is universally known an area of beautiful weather and active nightlife, something that anyone who lives here can partake in and appreciate. People flock to Santa Monica state beach to soak up rays and enjoy one another’s company on gorgeous California days. Unfortunately, there is a darker side to the city. Its violent crime rate is so high that it ranks as “safer” than only 2% of neighborhoods on Internet watchdog sites. There are hundreds of violent crimes per year in Santa Monica, some of them leaving a very unpleasant footprint on their locations.

Property crimes also run rampant during the city in most years. Vandalism, burglary, and theft are other unpleasant realities. They mark the city and leave behind crime scenes that the general public will never see because companies like Eco Bear are all too diligent in doing their job well and scouring the scene from the public’s view. Individuals, businesses, and property owners always have a friend to turn to when they need crime scene cleanup services.

Crime Scene Cleanup Specifics

Unnatural deaths and events leave behind a footprint – or crime scene – that is unpleasant and often disturbing for the general public to see. Authorities go to great lengths to make sure that these areas are cleaned before they are re-opened to the general public. Crime scene cleanup is far more complicated than picking up a murder weapon, or instrument used in a suicide. Hazardous material like blood, human saliva, and other dangerous residue from the scene are not safely removable by general citizenry. You need the highly trained and skilled professionals from Eco Bear. It is our life’s work and mission to ensure that the city of Santa Monica remains clean from the darker side of the world.

Tools for Crime Scene Cleanup

While we all wish that crimes did not exist, they do. Crime scene cleanup requires heavy, often dangerous chemicals to professionally clean any room that has been contaminated by decomposing bodies, human fluids, and other substances. The tools of our trade allow us to safely work with the right personal protective gear and then leave your room, home, or even entire building safe from the substances that created the crime scene. 

Personal Protective Equipment

We go into each crime scene cleanup with the appropriate personal protective equipment. All the gear we use is approved by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Depending on the manner of the cleanup, we need different categories of gear. For example, protective shoe covers, rubber gloves, masks, and even goggles help to protect against biohazard material that might contain deadly or infectious pathogens. All of the personnel at Eco Bear is completely protected by PPE gear. We believe in protecting the integrity of the whole scene in the same way we believe in protecting the lives and livelihoods of our workers.

Advanced Cleaners

When the scene is particularly messy and hazardous, it makes sense that personal grade products just aren’t going to be strong enough to get the job done right and leave everything sparkling and clean again. We use a combination of OSHA and EPA-approved commercial grade cleaners that work on commercial grade messes found at crime scenes. Disinfectants strong enough to battle off deadly pathogens like HIV are also use to ensure that the area is completely safe and clean to access against after our cleanup. No crime scene can withstand our barrage of advanced, commercial grade cleaners and safety disinfectants.


Debris is common at crime scenes and can even be heavy or contaminated itself (for example, a small filing cabinet sprayed with blood during a murder). In order to remove these objects from the scene, we deploy an army of commercial grade containers that house all of the objects the police might need to withhold for evidence (or that we might throw away and dispose of safely). We work promptly but thoroughly, with a strategy to leave every last inch of the crime scene free of residue and debris. These special containers play a large role in how quickly we’re able to carry away things that have contaminated the crime scene.

A Thorough, Safe Process

When Eco Bear is on the job, crime scenes are going to turn back into their original tidy and inhabitable areas, places where humans can safely roam about again. The team at Eco Bear doesn’t haphazardly clean up any Santa Monica crime scene. We thoroughly analyze the scene ourselves, determine what kind of materials we’ll need to get the job done, and then deploy the right kind of professionals to the scene to carry out the actual cleanup. Our crew works together like a finely tuned machine until the job is done.

Common issues at crime scenes include:

  • Dangerous and sometimes infectious human waste
  • Blood
  • Stained floors and walls
  • Debris 
  • Human fluids or feces

We all wish that scenes like this never became a reality. We wish this part of life didn’t exist in Santa Monica, but it does. Because of that, the professionals at Eco Bear want to do our part for the environment, integrity of commercial offices and homes, and most of all, for people. People should never have to see such things. That’s why when there’s a messy job to do, we’re on the scene.

Call Eco Bear for Help

Whether you’re a business or a human being whose living space has been invaded by a messy crime scene, we’re capable of compassionately and promptly handling your crime scene cleanup. Please call us today to find out about our many services and fair rates.