Morris and Madeline have what their friends and neighbors describe as a “lovely home” in Los Angeles’ Cheviot Hills. Their residence in the upscale neighborhood is about 3,000 square feet. Morris and Madeline are both in their mid-70s. Professionally, Morris is an attorney and Madeline is in advertising. Both Morris and Madeline have limited their time spent on work due to health problems that have plagued both of them for several years.
The medical issues afflicting the couple have also resulted in the pair being able to keep up with cleaning and maintaining their home. As a result, Morris and Madeline have retained the services of our company, Eco Bear, to do a deep cleaning at their residence with some regularity. They have retained Eco Bear to take on this job, which they most recently did in December 2022, May 2023, and August 2023.
Morris and Madeline have a son who is designated as their conservator. In the past, their son had made cleaning arrangements like the one at hand. In this case, Morris and Madeline made these arrangements on their own.
Overview of the Difference Between a Cluttered and Untidy Home and the Site of Hoarding
A relatively widespread misconception is that the professional services of a company like Eco Bear are only needed in extreme situations. An example of such a situation is one involving hoarding. The reality is that the far less severe situation exemplified by the home of Morris and Madeline is a prime example of when professional cleaning assistance can prove appropriate. It is helpful to understand the difference between hoarding and clutter. There are some key points to bear in mind when it comes to ascertaining whether a hoarding or clutter situation is the matter at hand:
- Severity: Clutter is a mild form of disorganization, while hoarding is a much more severe condition with serious health and safety consequences.
- Motivation: Clutter is often the result of a busy lifestyle or a lack of organizational skills, while hoarding is usually driven by a psychological need to acquire and save items.
- Emotional attachment: Clutter often consists of items that are still useful or have some sentimental value, while hoarding involves collecting and keeping large quantities of items that may have little or no value to others.
- Extent: Clutter is typically limited to a specific area or room, while hoarding can take over an entire home or living space.
- Impact on daily life: Clutter may be a nuisance, but it generally does not interfere with daily activities. At the same time, hoarding can make it difficult or impossible to use living spaces for their intended purposes.
- Health risks: Clutter can create some health risks, such as tripping or fire hazards, while hoarding can pose much greater risks, such as structural damage, mold growth, and pest infestations.
- Treatment options: Clutter can often be addressed through simple organization and cleaning strategies, while hoarding is much more difficult to treat and often requires specialized interventions such as cognitive-behavioral therapy or medication.
Focus and Cost of Cleaning and Decluttering
The primary focus of professional cleaning and associated assistance at the residence of Morris and Madeline was tending to four specific rooms:
- Kitchen
- Front bedroom
- Entryway
- Living room
In this instance, Eco Bear sent a team of two of our seasoned professionals to undertake the cleaning project. The comprehensive cleanup was completed in a day, utilizing 12 person-hours of time. The residence was restored to a prime condition that matched the upscale nature of the neighborhood and the real lifestyle of Morris and Madeline. The price included all fees associated with off-site trash disposal and other disposables taken from the home.
As an aside, it is important to note that the fees charged by Eco Bear consistently are less than what the competition requires. In fact, in some situations, Eco Bear fees for jobs like the one discussed in this article are priced at a rate 50 percent lower than what competitors charge.
In addition, Eco Bear is committed to full transparency. There are never any hidden charges. Moreover, payment is not due until a job is completed and a client has had the opportunity to approve our company’s work.
Working With a Guardian or Conservator
As mentioned previously, in this case, Morris and Madeline made arrangements for this cleanup of their residence in their home. As was also referenced a moment ago, their son arranged a couple of cleanings. When a conservatorship is involved in the process, it is important to understand some basic facts about this legal arrangement.
The first aspect is the authority to make financial decisions on behalf of the ward or conservatee. This includes managing their assets, paying their bills, and making investments. The guardian or conservator must act in the best interests of the ward or conservatee and ensure that their financial resources are used appropriately.
The second aspect is the authority to make medical decisions on behalf of the ward or conservatee. This includes decisions about medical treatments, surgeries, and other healthcare needs. The guardian or conservator must work closely with medical professionals to ensure that the ward or conservatee receives the appropriate care and treatment.
The third aspect is the authority to make legal decisions on behalf of the ward or conservatee. This includes signing contracts, initiating lawsuits, and making other legal decisions. The guardian or conservator must ensure that the ward or conservatee’s legal rights are protected and that any legal actions taken are in their best interests.
In summary, a guardian or conservator has significant authority to make decisions on behalf of a ward or conservatee who cannot decide for themselves. This includes financial, medical, and legal decisions, and the guardian or conservator must always act in the best interests of the ward or conservatee.