One of the most horrific situations that can occur in the course of a lifetime is to lose a family member by suicide. The traumatic aftermath of a suicide is magnified if a person takes his or her own life in a violent manner in the home. Suicide clean up when a person takes his or her life using a firearm or blade can fairly be called daunting, if not overwhelming.
If you find yourself in this situation, you need to seek the assistance of a professional suicide clean up, specialist. Remediating a suicide scene is a significant endeavor that truly necessitates professional assistance to ensure the area is returned to a fully livable condition. In addition, as a survivor of suicide loss, you don’t need to magnify the grief and other emotions you suffer by undertaking the cleanup process on your own.
In addressing a suicide clean up, you likely find yourself with a number of questions. Included on your list of questions is almost certain to be will your homeowner’s insurance pay for suicide clean up?
Terms and Conditions of Your Insurance Policy
No blanket answer exists to the question of whether homeowner’s insurance provides coverage for suicide clean up in a residence. The precise terms and conditions of your own individual homeowner’s insurance policy dictate the extent of coverage, including whether the insurer will pay for suicide clean up.
Many basic homeowner’s insurance policies preclude coverage for an intentional act in a residence that results in damage or losses to the premises. Some insurance company’s exclusions are deemed to include suicide cleanup under the premise that taking one’s life is considered an intentional act.
Technically speaking, an argument can be made that committing suicide may fairly be categorized as something different from an intentional act. The reality is that a person laboring under suicidal ideations may psychologically be incapable of making sound decisions. If a person lacks the capacity to make rational decisions, a further contention can be made that legally intentional conduct becomes impossible. Thus, even when an insurance policy appears to exclude coverage for an intentional act, that exclusion might be avoided in this scenario.
As a practical matter, there are insurance companies that will process a claim for suicide clean up despite provisions in a policy that arguably (although perhaps not clearly) precludes this type of compensation. Oftentimes, this can be a function of the mindset of a particular claims adjuster assigned to your case.
Keep in mind that if your claim for clean up coverage initially is denied by an insurance company, both state law and the terms and conditions of your insurance policy permit you the ability to appeal that determination. In some instances, appealing an initial denial of a claim seeking compensation for suicide clean up results in at least some payment covering a portion of the costs incurred for professional suicide scene remediation.
Supplemental Insurance Coverage
Some people obtain coverage beyond a basic homeowner’s insurance policy. For example, they might add additional riders to a policy that might be broad enough to include coverage for suicide clean up in a residence.
In addition, some homeowners add broad umbrella coverage to their home insurance policies. A broader umbrella policy may provide coverage for residential suicide clean up.
Insurance Coverage and Professional Suicide Scene Remediation Service
When seeking a professional suicide clean up a specialist to assist you, inquire upfront as to whether they accept insurance. In addition, find out whether a remediation specialist is able and willing to assist you in making a claim for coverage with your insurance company.
There are qualified, compassionate suicide cleanup specialists that not only accept insurance but assist people in pursuing claims with insurers to pay for this type of remediation. These professionals have experience in dealing with insurance claims associated with different types of biohazard remediations and cleanups, including those arising from suicide.
State Insurance Commissioner
If you believe that your insurance company is not properly honoring a claim submitted to cover suicide clean up, you can reach out to the state insurance commissioner or insurance department. All state insurance commissioners or departments maintain consumer assistance divisions or units. These offices aid consumers with an array of issues, including those associated with a particular claim settlement or denial of a claim. In some cases, these agencies are able to assist in obtaining a favorable resolution of this type of claim.