Beverly Hills is an iconic, small city in the midst of Los Angeles County with a population of about 35,000. At the time of its founding, what has since become Beverly Hills was a cluster of lima bean farms. In time, oil barons swooped onto the land with hopes of successfully drilling. They failed. By the beginning of the 20th century, residential development commenced, resulting in a community that has become synonymous with wealth and fame.

Despite the legendary history of Beverly Hills, and the elegant homes that dot the roadways of the high-dollar community, biohazard cleanup is a consistent problem in the community, as is the case through much of Los Angeles County and all of California.

Biohazard Cleanup

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines a biohazard as a pathogen capable of causing serious illness and even death in humans. In addition, a biohazard can cause serious damage to the environment more generally. The CDC classifies biohazards into a number of categories that include:

  • Viruses
  • Microorganisms
  • Bacteria
  • Toxins (derived from a biological source)
  • Sharps (including used needles)

The existence of biohazards in Beverly Hills exposes residents and visitors to serious, and even fatal, health risks. Avoiding these significant risks depends upon the assistance of a skilled, experience biohazard remediator, like the experienced, committed professionals at Eco Bear.

Suicide Cleanup

Beverly Hills has a suicide rate a bit over what is found in other Los Angeles County cities. Indeed, the suicide rate recorded in Beverly Hills is higher than the homicide and drug overdose rate in the community, according to media reports during the past couple of years.

Some Beverly Hills suicides garner a great deal of media attention, something that has been the case since George Reeves, the actor who played Superman on television, possibly took his own life about 60 years ago. No matter Reeves how took his own life, he died in his home as the result of a gunshot wound.  This type of suicide illustrates the type of situation for which the professional suicide cleanup assistance of a local firm like Eco Bear is needed.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness, also known as NAMI, provides information and resources associated with an array of services to assist survivors of suicide. In addition, the organization provides suicide prevention resources designed by people in Beverly Hills. You can access these useful resources online at or by calling the staff of the organization at (310) 889-7200.

Unattended Death Cleanup

Despite the brilliant reputation of Beverly Hills, tragedies do occur in the community. This includes traumatic unattended deaths. The reality is that very few things that can occur during the course of a lifetime are more gut-wrenching and horrific than the aftermath of an unattended death.

In Beverly Hills, there are about four unattended deaths each month in the community, according to the Los Angeles County Coroner, the agency that oversees unattended death in Beverly Hills and elsewhere. The most frequently occurring unattended deaths in California are:

  • Natural Causes
  • Homicide
  • Accident
  • Suicide

The Los Angeles County Coroner serving Beverly Hills is involved in unattended death cases, depending on the circumstances. When an unattended death is discovered, emergency services should be promptly notified at 911. Police and the coroner’s office will investigate the situation that gave rise to the presumed unattended death in Beverly Hills.

The LA Coroner, which serves Beverly Hills (and Bellaire), is located at:

1104 N. Mission Road
Los Angeles, California 90033

Medical Examiner-Coroner to Conduct Inquest in the Death of Andres Guardado Pineda

The primary office hours of the Los Angeles County Coroner are:

Monday – Friday
8:00am – 5:00pm
(323) 343-0512

After Business Hours
(323) 343-0714

Rat Droppings Cleanup

Mouse and rodent droppings can have significant consequences, according to the federal government centers that include the National Institutes of Health and the CDC when maintaining their safety and wellbeing. The stark reality is that rodent droppings can be extremely hazardous, even fatally hazardous.  to your health, according to the CDC.

Rat feces, urine, and saliva can result in diseases that include:

  • Hantavirus: Carried in rodent droppings, urine, and saliva. If rat droppings are merely “swept up” as a means of cleanup, the dust containing hantavirus gets into the surrounding air and into peoples’ lungs – with potentially fatal consequences.
  • Salmonellosis: Results in poisoning when food items come into contact with rat droppings.
  • Rat Bite Fever: This is a potentially fatal disease can be spread by rodent bites and food contaminated with rat feces, urine, or saliva.

If you are in a situation in which you need reliable, effective biohazard cleanup, the professional team at Eco Bear, a local and family-owned business stands ready, willing, and able to assist you. This includes providing comprehensive biohazard remediation services at your home or place of business.

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