If you’re looking into biohazard cleanup, you know exactly how important the entire process is and how precisely it needs to be handled. Many people are unaware that biohazard cleanup is entirely different from regular cleanup or even a deep clean. It’s even different from a deep clean or regular sanitization.
Biohazard cleanup is cleanup that involves the removal and cleanup of substances like blood, body tissue, and other hazardous substances from locations like crime scenes, medical labs, or any type of place where an accident or leak has occurred that could create a communicable disease outbreak. By this definition alone, it’s clear that A biohazard cleanup is much more than a simple deep clean, and at Eco Bear, we make sure that the entire process is done properly from beginning to end.
What Factors Are Considered When Determining the Scope of a Biohazard Cleanup?
There are many different factors that are taken into consideration when looking at and figuring out the scope of a biohazard cleanup. Some of those Include the following.
Types of Surfaces That Need to Be Cleaned
It makes sense to assume that the larger the space, the more involved the cleanup. This assumption doesn’t hold true when it comes to biohazard cleanup. A large space may contain surfaces that are relatively easy to clean, while a much smaller space may have porous surfaces that are extremely difficult to clean. The larger room may end up taking a lot less time and effort to sterilize and sanitize. Our specialists will take an assessment of the area or room to be cleaned and make a call re: the scope of a job. they’ll be able to determine which items can be cleaned and sanitized and which items need to be destroyed and discarded.
Type of Matter Being Disposed Of
By law, biohazard waste must be disposed of properly. This doesn’t mean bagging the waste and tossing it into an ordinary garbage bin. Not only would that be extremely unsanitary, but it’s also potentially dangerous since everyone from passersby to trash collectors could be exposed to toxic matter and dangerous pathogens. There are special disposable containers for each type of hazardous matter, and those containers must be used.
Transportation of the Waste
Once the waste has been stored in the proper disposable container, it will then need to be transported to its final disposal destination. Costs will vary depending on the amount of waste being discarded.
Equipment Used
Certain substances like blood or chemical waste need to be cleaned up with specialized equipment and specific chemicals. Depending on the type of hazardous waste that at the site, our Specialists will be able to determine which equipment and cleaners will be needed.
What Types of Materials Are Considered Hazardous Waste?
Several types of matter fall under the umbrella of hazardous waste.
Medical Waste Disposal
Sites like hospitals, clinics, and labs are frequently the sites of biohazardous material waste. By law, these facilities must dispose of their waste by following very strict rules and protocols. Our waste removal specialists are trained to not only handle medical waste like used wound dressings, needles, and blood, but they’re able to do so safely while leaving behind a sterilized, sanitized space.
Unattended Natural Death
There are many stories about people who have died at home but whose bodies were left undiscovered for days, weeks, or even months. The waste left behind can pose a health risk to anyone in the immediate vicinity. Our specialists are able to go in and completely clean and sanitize the space, getting rid of the physical effects of decomp as well as the odor that accompanies it. The intensity of the cleaning required will depend on how long the body was left unattended.
Hoarding House
In hoarding situations, the living space of the hoarder becomes hazardous to anyone in the immediate vicinity. Everything from rotting garbage to human waste to dead animals is found in hoarding houses, forcing clean-up to go beyond the usual scrubbing and cleaning. Our team is able to get inside and remove every bit of waste, trash and biohazardous material before cleaning begins. Once the work is done, a sterile, sanitized environment will be restored.
Crime Scene
Crime scene clean-up requires extreme deodorizing, sanitizing, and disinfecting in order to return the site to livability. Having specialists handle cleanup is key so that all traces of the events that transpired are erased. This is important whether the crime scene is in a private home or in a public space.
Safety First
It is absolutely critical that biohazardous waste be disposed of by a professional team. Being in and around hazardous waste exposes people to the dangers of elements like deadly pathogens. Our teams practice the strictest safety protocols, wearing pathogen-safe PPEs while handling the waste in such a way as to prevent transmission and spread. In order to dispose of biohazardous waste material, you need to have a permit that proves that you’re trained in disposing of the waste per OSHA standards. This type of cleanup is critical because it protects the cleaners, and it also protects the people who will be coming into the space once cleanup is done. Having the peace of mind that comes with knowing that a space has been thoroughly and completely sterilized, disinfected, and cleaned will help give people the peace of mind that they deserve.
If you have any questions about biohazardous waste cleanup, give us a call so that we can help.