People looking for help with crime scene cleanup in Placentia could be looking for this type of cleanup for a variety of different reasons. Crime scene cleanup refers to a type of cleanup that focuses on removing biohazardous and infectious waste from a site and cleaning and sterilizing the site so that it’s safe for human use. Crime scene cleanup is also referred to as biohazard remediation, trauma scene cleanup, and forensic cleanup. Whether you need the cleanup due to a crime that’s taken place on your property or an accident that’s taken place on the premises, we can help you restore the space to its original condition. 

Why is removing biohazardous waste so important?

Getting rid of infectious and biohazardous waste is job number one for crime scene cleaners. Biohazardous waste is made up of the microorganisms called pathogens that make people sick. These pathogens include bacteria, viruses, and fungi. When a violent crime has been committed or someone has been hurt in a traumatic accident, there is usually a lot of biohazardous waste left on site. If it’s not cleaned up properly, the pathogens in the waste can spread to humans, causing all types of diseases. 

Crime scene cleaners know exactly how to remove this waste from crime scenes. They also know how to clean the crime scenes so that all evidence of pathogens have been removed.

What happens if you try to clean a crime scene yourself?

Cleaning a crime scene yourself is not recommended for several reasons. 

If there was a violent crime at the site, the emotional toll can’t be underestimated. Dealing with the aftermath of a violent incident can break down even the toughest individual. Putting crime scene cleanup in the hands of people who have emotional distance from the event can make things a lot easier for the survivors. 

Cleaning up biohazardous waste can be very tricky. Not only do experienced cleaners use special tools and cleaners to help ensure that the site is actually cleaned and sanitized, but they also know how to prevent themselves from becoming contaminated with any of the waste. Through the gear they wear and the tools they use, they’re able to do the deepest cleanings without putting themselves at risk. Once cleaning is done, they’re able to confirm through testing that the space is actually sanitized. This will help give the returning occupants the peace of mind that comes from knowing that the site has been fully cleared of any physical elements associated with the incident. 

How do crime scene cleaners protect themselves when cleaning scenes?

Crime scene cleaners wear PPE gear to help ensure that they are fully protected when going on site. From gas masks used to clean sites where chemicals have been dispersed to disposable shoe covers that protect their feet and prevent cross contamination of other sites, the teams are set to enter and clean all types of scenes safely. Other PPE gear includes respirators, face masks, full-body coveralls, goggles, and face shields. 

What types of sites do crime scene cleaners handle?

Crime scene cleaners manage the cleaning of many different types of sites. 

Infectious Disease Site

You may have a situation where a site experienced exposure to an infectious disease due to an industrial accident or an infected person or persons. This means that every surface in that site is most likely contaminated. A crime scene cleaning team will go in and clean, disinfect and sanitize the site. This is an extremely critical job since the goal is to kill the pathogens that cause the disease so that they don’t endanger the public. 

Meth Lab

A meth lab is one of the most dangerous types of drug labs due to the instability of the drug itself. Simply inhaling particles of the drug in the air can be extremely dangerous, so you want a team that knows how to clean up the site safely. Crime scene cleanup teams have the gear and tools necessary to make the site safe for human occupancy once again. 

Unattended Death

When someone dies alone, it’s called an unattended death. If no one knows that the person died, their body could remain undiscovered for a long time. Once decomp sets in and vermin and pests are drawn to the body, you’re dealing with a serious biohazardous waste issue. Crime scene cleaners need to come in once the body has been removed so that they can get rid of biohazardous waste like the bodily fluids that most likely accumulated over time. 


Homicides and suicides result in lots of biohazardous waste being left behind. The crime scene cleaners will pick up every bit of blood, body tissue, bodily fluid, and every other bit of waste associated with the crime. Non-violent suicides also need crime scene cleaning. The mere presence of the body creates a biohazardous waste situation that needs to be cleaned up so that the space is safe for use again. 

When does crime scene cleaning start?

Crime scene cleaning cannot begin until the scene has been released by whichever governing agency has been overseeing it. Only when those agencies have officially released the scene can cleaning begin. This allows them time to do things like collect fingerprints and other evidence related to the incident. Confirm with the agency in charge of the site that it’s officially released before cleaning begins so that you don’t disrupt or jeopardize any investigation.

Dealing with a crime scene can be really tough, but we can walk you through every bit of the process and handle all aspects of the cleaning so that you can focus whatever you need to do to move forward.