San Marcos is a diverse community located in San Diego County’s North County. The community is attractive because of its relatively low crime rate and solid education system. In addition, the community has a great to deal to offer in the way of recreation, entertainment, and cultural opportunities. With good fortune, a resident of San Marcos will never experience the need to engage the services of a biohazard remediation service. However, life offers no guarantees. Thus, it’s important to have basic information about what to expect from a capable, reputable biohazard cleaning company in San Marcos.
What Is a Biohazard?
When faced with what you think is the need for the assistance of an experienced biohazard cleaning company in San Marcos, you may now be particularly sure what how a biohazard is defined. If that is the case, do bear in mind that you are hardly alone.
Biohazards, also known as biological hazards, are substances of different types that pose a threat to the health and welfare of living organisms, specifically the health of humans. Biohazards include:
- Bacteria
- Viruses
- Biological toxins
- Other microorganisms
These substances oftentimes collectively are referred to as pathogens. Harmful pathogens of different types can be found in blood, bodily fluids, and other biological matter. Common types of pathogens that are found in human blood and bodily fluids include:
- Hepatitis B
- Hepatitis C
Dangerous pathogens can be found in other substances as well. For example, rat droppings can contain hantavirus. Hantavirus can cause hantavirus pulmonary syndrome. This syndrome oftentimes is fatal.
What Are Situations in Which Biohazards Might Exist?
The reality is that the potential exists for exposure to biohazards any time blood, bodily fluids, or other biological matter is present in an unprotected form. Examples of situations in which biohazards might exist include:
- Homicide
- Traumatic assault
- Traumatic accident
- Unattended death or undiscovered death
- Suicide
- Hoarding
- Homeless encampment
- Intravenous drug use
A key reality you must bear in mind that exposure to a potentially contaminated area is dangerous. Thus, if you face a situation in your home or business that is contaminated by blood and other bodily fluids, rodent droppings, raw sewage, and similar types of waste, you must keep your distance. You must also be certain to isolate the area so that others do not gain unprotected access to it.
When a person is to come into contact with possible biological hazards, that individual must wear appropriate personal protective equipment. This includes:
- Goggles
- Smock, apron, or uniform
- Mask or respirator
- Gloves
What Is the Biohazard Cleaning Process?
The specific procedures that are followed for biohazard remediation depend on the nature and extent of the contaminated scene. With that said, there are some basic protocols that are followed when it comes to the work of a biohazard cleaning company in San Marcos.
Biohazard remediation begins with an experienced San Marcos biohazard cleaning company providing an estimate for addressing the cleanup needs of a client. The estimate is prepared when a representative of a biohazard remediation service visits the contaminated site.
Once an estimate is provided and a biohazard remediator is engaged, the contaminated area is secured to ensure that no unauthorized person gains access and becomes exposed to potentially hazardous materials. A biohazard cleaning specialist will then remove all biological material from the scene, clean the area, and dispose of any items that are contaminated which cannot be cleaned. For example, a blood-stained mattress cannot effectively be cleaned. The contaminated components of a mattress are cut away and disposed of as hazardous waste. The uncontaminated portion of a mattress is then disposed of as permitted by California law.
At the completion of the cleanup process itself, the contaminated area is sanitized. This includes the structure itself and any items within the area that have been impacted by the biological materials. The process involves the use of commercial grade chemicals and associated equipment. For example, if a person diagnosed with HIV was the victim of a homicide, the sanitization process is designed to ensure that the virus (as well as other biohazards) are eradicated.
After the essential cleanup and sanitization phases, deodorization occurs. The reality is that oftentimes the site of a biohazard can be imbued by what can best be described as a horrible stench. By of example, in the case of an unattended death and undiscovered remains, the human decomposition process results in the release of putrid gases that must be eliminated.
The ultimate objective of biohazard remediation is to restore a residence to a fully habitable condition. Similarly, when the San Marcos biohazard cleanup involves a business, the site must be returned to a completely usable condition. No evidence of the incident that gave rise to a biohazard should remain. No hazardous pathogens and no associated stench should remain at the home or business.