If you’ve found yourself with mice in your home or business, you may have made the decision to eliminate these rodents on your own. The alternative is to engage the services of a professional. If you are inclined to deal with a mouse infestation on your own, you likely are wondering what options are available to you. The most common methodology utilized by a home or business owner to eliminate mice is to trap them. This article is presented to provide you with essential information about the different types of traps that are available to a home or business owner who needs to address a mouse infestation.
The types of traps that are available to you are:
- Jaw mousetrap
- Bar mousetrap
- Electric mousetrap
- Live capture mousetrap
- Glue mousetrap
Jaw Mousetrap
The jaw mousetrap was patented in 1879. The jaw mousetrap is operated on the same essential principle of the bar mousetrap, which is commonly used today and discussed in a moment.
A jaw mousetrap is baited. When a mouse enters the confines of the open trap and makes an attempt to seize the bait, the jaw-like feature of the trap snaps down on the rodent. The force of the jaw-like element of the device crushes the mouse, about the neck or another part of the animal’s body. The force is so great that a mouse typically is killed instantly.
Bar Mousetrap
The bar mousetrap is a derivation on the jaw mousetrap, just described. This is the most commonly used type of mousetrap in service today.
The bar mousetrap is designed with a spring-boarded bar and a baited hook. The trap is baited and set. When a mouse comes upon the trap and attempts to remove the bait, the bar is triggered. The bar snaps down onto the rat, typically in the region of the animal’s neck. In most instances, the mouse is killed nearly immediately. Although this type of mousetrap sounds rather gruesome in its operation, there is a general consensus that this is the most humane way of killing a mouse.
Electric Mousetrap
An electric mousetrap is yet another device that attracts mice through the placement of bait in its mechanism. When a mouse enters into the device to extract the bait, the rodent itself completes the circuit. This results in a pulse of electricity being sent through the completed circuit, and the mouse. A mouse caught in an electric trap typically is killed instantly.
There are electric mousetraps designed for one mouse or use (before it needs to be cleared). These typically are used in residential settings. There are also large derivations of the product that have the capacity to kill multiple mice.
Live Capture Mousetrap
Some home and business owners have an issue with killing animals, even mice that have infested a property. The first live capture mousetrap appears to have been designed and used in 1870. In today’s world, there is a multitude of derivations on the theme of live capture mousetraps.
These traps are baited, in the same way as the others. When a mouse enters the trap and tries to remove the bait, the door into the device snaps shut. The mouse is not injured in the process.
It is important to check a live capture mousetrap at least once a day. If you want to capture mice alive, you don’t want to defeat the purpose of the process by leaving the animal to die in the trap.
Once captured, the mouse is released at an appropriate location. This should not be in close proximity to the structure in which the mouse was captured. Bear in mind that some state and local governments have restrictions on the manner in which mice and other animals that have been trapped can be released.
Glue Mousetrap
The glue mousetrap is considered the most inhumane manner in which to capture a mouse. The device is baited, like the others. When a mouse walks into or onto this type of trap, the animal becomes stuck in the glue and is unable to getaway.
The trapped mouse will suffer for an extended period of time before it will die. Typically, a mouse in this situation will die from starvation, dehydration, or exposure. If you check this type of trap regularly, you may be stuck with the task of having to kill the snared mouse yourself.
The Need for Professional Assistance
As mentioned previously, if you have a mouse issue in your home, you have the option of hiring a professional. With a professional, you can be assured of the elimination of mice from the presence of your home or business. Moreover, you are not left having to take on the challenging and unpleasant task of eliminating the mice on your own.
When the mice are eliminated, you will also have to clean up the aftermath of their presence. This includes eliminating mouse droppings and dried urine. Because these waste materials can contain dangers pathogens that can cause serious illness in humans. Thus, in order to best protect yourself and your family, you may want to give serious consideration to hiring a mouse dropping cleanup specialist.