Candid Overview of the Unique Challenges of Decomposing Body Cleanup

Biohazard remediation specialists are called upon to address a wide array of challenging cleanup situations. These include: Infectious disease Crime scene Rodent dropping Hoarding Homeless encampment Unattended death Suicide Nothing presents a more significant set of challenges on a number of levels than does decomposing body cleanup. The human decomposition process starts the moment an…


Decomposing Body Cleanup and the Realities of Human Decomposition

The various stages of human decomposition have a direct bearing on the decomposing body cleanup process. As a consequence, in order to better understand decomposing body cleanup, a person needs to also understand some of the specifics of human decomposition. The Stages of Human Decomposition The human decomposition process can be broken down into a…


Four Signs You Need an Attic Cleanup

You must not overlook the care and maintenance. Some people do and they do so to their detriment. Part of properly caring for your attic is to appropriately clean the space. While a number of reasons exist for attic cleanup, four more commonplace situations necessitating attic cleaning are: Odors coming from attic Rodent infestation in…


Elderly Bowel Incontinence: Preserving the Dignity of a Senior Parent with Uncontrolled Bowel Issues

A variety of health issues can cause an elderly person to suffer from bowel incontinence. This type of incontinence is a condition in which an individual lacks proper control over his or her bowels. As a consequence, an elderly person laboring under this condition has a propensity for defecating in unfortunate locations. Simply, they oftentimes…


Overview of the Causes and Consequences of Elderly Bowel Incontinence

Bowel incontinence, also known as feces incontinence, is a relatively common problem plaguing older adults, men and women in their Golden Years. In basic terms, bowel incontinence is the inability of a person to control bowel movements. A person with bowel incontinence is prone to accidental defecation. In other words, a person suffering from this…


Understanding Elderly Bowel Incontinence: Dealing with the Consequences of Uncontrolled Bowel Movements

A notable percentage of older people develop what medically is known as elderly bowel incontinence. If you’re the child or caretaker of an older person, you need to have a basic understanding of elderly bowel incontinence, it’s causes, and the impact it can have on an older person’s life generally and living space specifically. Bowel…


Attic Maintenance: Keeping Your Home Safe and in Optimal Condition

If you are like a considerable segment of the population in California and across the United States, you probably are not paying enough attention to your attic. The reality is that you keep your home safe and in an optimal condition by regularly inspecting your attic and undertaking appropriate maintenance. There are a number of…


What to Look for in an Attic and Crawl Space Cleanup Service Los Angeles

A good number of people in the greater Los Angeles area have taken to engaging a so-called “jack of all trades” to tend to a variety of different needs at their homes. For example, these area residents hire a handywoman or handyman to tend to everything from painting to essential home repairs to yard work.…


Overview of Attic Decontamination

Lying in wait over your head in your home very well may be a dangerous mix of viruses, bacteria, mold, mildew, fungi, and other harmful substances. These potentially hazardous pathogens can be festering in your attic – but also end up being discharged throughout your home through the ventilation and HVAC systems. If you discover…


How to Get Rodents out of My Garage?

Rodent infestation of garages is a widespread problem in Southern California and across the United States. If you’ve found yourself facing the problem of a mouse or rat infestation n your garage, you may wonder what strategies are most effective when it comes to eliminating these varmints. There are different techniques you can use to…


What Are the Signs of Rodents in My Garage?

Mice and rats can cause significant damage when they infest a residential garage. In addition, the presence of rodents in your garage have the capacity for presenting a very real health threat to you and your family. Because of the hazards associated with a rodent infestation, it is important for you to be aware of…


Shielding Your Garage From Mice and Rats: A Proactive Approach to Protecting Against Rodent Infestation

Many residents of Southern California, and communities across the country, experience problems with rodents in their garages. Although there are strategies to eliminate mice and rats from garages after an infestation occurs, the ideal course is to avoid a rodent “invasion” in the first instance. There are a number of key steps you need to…


How to Seal Garage Doors and Windows to Keep Rodents Out

Rodents are drawn to buildings to obtain shelter, food, water, and safety from predators. As a consequence, garages prove to be prime locations where rodent infestations are prone to occur. While it’s one thing to know how to eradicate rodents that take up residence in your garage, the ideal course of action is to be…


Rodent Exclusion: How to Seal Rats and Mice Out of Your Home

A rodent infestation in your home can have catastrophic consequences. Mice and rats can do untold damage to your property. By way of example, a full 25 percent of all residential fires stem from rodents attacking electrical systems and exposing wires and starting blazes that many times consume a home. Rodents and their droppings also…


Rodent Infestation Facts: Identification and Control of These Potentially Dangerous Vermin

Over 20 million households in the United States seek professional assistance every year to eradicate rodents that have infested the premises. Odds are that at some juncture in time you will face the prospect of a mouse or rat infestation in your residence. For that reason, it is important to arm yourself with some basic,…


Mouse Infestation Facts: Identification and Control of the Invaders

A truly disturbing situation is one in which mice have infested your home or business. Dealing with a mouse infestation can fairly be considered a two-part endeavor. The process includes properly identifying the type of mice that have taken residence in your home or business. Once that is accomplished, the next phase is ascertaining how…


Investigation of Sexual Assault Against Victims with Developmental Disabilities

Truly startling facts exist when it comes to the sexual assault of people with special needs. People with special needs are classified by the U.S. Justice Department as individuals with disabilities. We recognize that there is debate and discussion over the proper terminology to utilize when discussing situations involving people with physical or cognitive impairments…
