Clinician’s Guide to Address Hoarding Disorder

Clinicians define hoarding as: A persistent difficulty discarding or parting with possessions because of a perceived need to save them. A person with hoarding disorder experiences distress at the thought of getting rid of the items. Excessive accumulation of items, regardless of actual value, occurs. The reality is that hoarding has only been recognized as…

The Dangers of Black Water and Sewage Leaks

Modern-day municipal sewage or sanitation systems, as well as septic systems, have proven invaluable in enhancing the lives and protecting the health of people from all walks of life. With that said, sewage systems – from a residential toilet to a water treatment facility – are not foolproof. Problems can occur, including situations that can…

Overview of Comprehensive Cleaning After Dead Body Removal

Certain types of death scenes can leave behind the need for a challenging cleanup process following death body removal. Examples of death scenes that necessitate comprehensive cleaning after dead body removal include: Homicide Suicide Drug overdose Unattended death (undiscovered death) Traumatic accident Traumatic illness or disease Infectious disease There exist three general circumstances that can…

Disneyland Tickets For a Victim of Crime

Eco Bear Biohazard Cleaning Company is offering one adult and one child ticket for a one day pass to Disneyland in Anaheim for a family that is a victim of crime. Applicants must be a resident of Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Riverside, Orange, or Ventura counties. One winner will be chosen on August 28, 2019…

Is It Possible to Refuse an Autopsy?

Autopsies are performed in the state of California and across the country as a means of ascertaining the cause of death. There exist fairly strict parameters regarding the circumstances in which autopsies are undertaken. Understanding this reality, you may want to know if it is possible to refuse an autopsy. Two Primary Types of Autopsies…

yellow police tape

Do Unattended Deaths Require an Autopsy?

California law enumerates specific situations in which a county coroner must undertake a forensic investigation, including an autopsy. The law enumerates more than a couple dozen situations in which an autopsy must be conducted. A good many of these scenarios are potential situations that may have caused the death of a person whose remains are…

The Process of Dead Body Odor Removal

A decomposing body emits an odor that can fairly be described as most foul. Sadly, there are situations in which a death occurs and the remains of the deceased individual remain undiscovered for a period of time for one reason or another. In such situations, because the decomposition process progresses, the scene of the death…

Who Pays for Crime Scene Cleanup?

The violent crime rate in California is higher than the national average at 451 violent crimes perpetrated per every 100,000 people in the state annually, according to the Public Policy Institute of California. A majority of violent crimes occur in residences. Consequently, homeowners and others are faced with crime scene cleanup. A fundamental question faced…

What Are the Contents of Human Feces?

In the medical arena, a considerable amount of discussion occurs regarding human feces. The state of a person’s feces can be indicative of if that individual is afflicted with some type of malady or disease, according to the Mayo Clinic. The shape, color, presence of blood, and other factors can provide physicians with basic information…

What Takes Blood out of Clothes?

If you’ve found yourself in a situation in which a clothing item you like has been bloodied, you may not be absolutely certain what you can and should do to get blood out of clothing. The process to employ to get blood out of a clothing item begins with determining whether the blood is fresh…

Harbor Gateway North Neighborhood Council Chair Pamela Thornton Discusses Community Activism for a Better Los Angeles

The Harbor Gateway North Neighborhood Council is a group of elected, volunteer stakeholders that work as a body for improvement of the Harbor Gateway North neighborhood. The activities of the Council are funded by the City of Los Angeles through the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment. Updates on the activities of the Harbor Gateway North Neighborhood…

Infographic – Fentanyl Use And Lab Data

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hoarder kitchen

Mastering Healthy Communication With a Chronically Disorganized Individual

If you desire to assist a chronically disorganized person in effecting change, you must understand that direct and honest communication between that individual and yourself is fundamental. In this regard, there are some specific communication strategies that work well when dealing with and supporting a chronically disorganized person. In addition, in order to maintain proper, effective…

Essential Information About Accidental Shooting Deaths

A great deal of media attention is necessarily paid to mass shootings which occur with shocking regularity in the United States. In appreciating the tragic nature of these events, statistically speaking, more than one person is killed every day due to accidental shooting in the United States.  Accidental Shooting Death Statistics in the United States According…