When asked to comment about rodent droppings, the typical “person on the street” will say something to the effect of “gross.” And rodent droppings are gross. But they are so much more. rodent droppings present a serious and even deadly health risk. Moreover, this type of insidious waste dries fast and crumbles easily, allowing waste from rats, mice, and other varmints to become airborne. Aerosolized rodent feces can contain disease-causing pathogens, including the potentially deadly hantavirus which the potential for causing a nearly always lung condition. Call our veteran-led rodent cleanup services company.

A Look at the Similarities and Differences Between Field Mice and House Mice

The reality is that there exist a tremendous number of different individual species of mice in the United States and around the world. In the U.S.A., the most common types of mice found infesting homes are what commonly are classified as field mice and house mice. Because these do tend to be the most common…

rat in a miniature sleigh

The Wintertime Invasion: Cold Weather Brings a Rodent Invasion

In the United States, wintertime means the start of what oftentimes proves to be a challenging rodent invasion in homes and businesses. Every winter, an estimated 21 million homes and untold millions of businesses face rodent infestation as the weather chills. We present you with some essential information about this troublesome wintertime invasion. Types of…

cat hunting mouse

A Look at Natural Rat Deterrents

You undoubtedly want to prevent an infestation of rodents in your home rather than eradicate one after the fact. Rats are likely particularly objectionable to you. Understanding this reality, you may wonder what natural rat deterrents exist that can aid you in preventing an infestation in the first instance. The most commonly utilized natural rat…

Close-up three mice and leather brown shoes

Overview of a Mouse Home Infestation

One of the more trying experiences you can face in regards to your residence is the plight of a mouse infestation. In addition to being highly challenging to remediate, a mouse home infestation presents a health hazard to you and your family. Through this article, you are presented with a comprehensive overview of mouse home infestation.…

Woman with magnifying glass detecting bed bugs in bedroom

Rat Mites Versus Bed Bugs: Understanding the Differences Between These Two Horrible Parasites

Rats carry serious, known viruses like hantavirus. In addition, researchers have identified an additional 18 unknown viruses among rat populations in large cities like Los Angeles, New York, and Chicago. What is known is that a species of mites live on rats, in Los Angeles, across Southern California, and from coast to coast in the…

The Great Smoke Out: Do Rodent Smoke Bombs Really Work?

One product on the market designed to assist in addressing a mouse or rat infestation in a home, business, or other location is the smoke bomb. Three questions arise in regard to this rodent control product: What are rodent smoke bombs? Do rodent smoke bombs work? Are rodent smoke bombs safe? What Are Rodent Smoke…

White Mouse in Doll House

Primary Signs You Have a Mouse Infestation in Your Home

A problem that virtually everyone will face at some point during their lifetimes is house mouse infestation. Mice are ubiquitous creatures that are found virtually everywhere in the United States. The key to preventing more significant issues arising from mice in a residence is to deal with a mouse early on. At the heart of…

mouse next to laptop

Keeping an Office a Rodent Free Zone

Mouse problems are not limited to residential properties. The reality is that offices and other types of workplaces can face the prospect of a rodent infestation. Understanding that this possibility exists, there are some important proactive strategies that you will seriously want to consider implementing to keep your office (or other workplaces) a rodent-free zone.…

Where Do Roof Rats Live? Understanding the Habitat Preferences of the Rattus Murinae

Quite like many people, you when you think of rats, you think of… rats. By that, it is meant you may not realize that from a biological standpoint there is an array of different types of rats. Among the rat genus, there are many different subfamilies, this includes one known as Rattus Murinae. This type…

Trapping Laws and Regulations in the State of California

The state of California has enacted specific statutes governing the trapping of wild animals. These laws serve a number of purposes, including the humane treatment of animals and as a means of protecting the ecosystem in the state more generally. If you will be involved in the trapping of animals in California for one reason…

red bat box on tree

What Is a Bat Box?

Many, many people are under the impression that bats lurk in dark caves. Indeed, the impression a good number of people have about bats is derived from horror films featuring bloody Count Dracula. The reality is that many bats reside in cities and towns, roosting in trees, bridges, buildings, and other locations. Understanding this reality,…

raccoon sticking it's head out from a hole in the side of a house

How to Identify Raccoon Droppings

Raccoons historically lived in forests and other wooded areas. As human developments have encroached into their natural habitats, raccoons have been highly adept at adapting. In other words, raccoons have shown little difficulty in successfully living in the heart of suburban and even urban communities. Indeed, in many cities, raccoons have become commonplace. In addition…

cute raccoon sitting and looking at the camera

Raccoons: The Midnight Food Bandits That Leave Behind Dangerous Droppings

Raccoons are mammals that grow to a length of about two feet when mature. Raccoons are indigenous to forests but are highly intelligent and adaptable animals. As a result, they have taken to living in urban areas as metropolitan communities expand. Raccoons are nocturnal animals and generally avoid contact with humans. With that noted, as…

Dangers of Asbestos Attic Insulation: 5 Things You Need to Know

If you reside in a home that was built or remodeled, prior to 1990, the possibility exists that you may have attic insulation that contains asbestos. There exist a good many misconceptions about attic insulation and asbestos. In order to protect the safety and health of your loved ones, you need to familiarize yourself with…